
The SDK is flexible and can be configured with quite a few different options. A complete list of options are outlined below:

Configuration NameData TypeDescription
merchantId*stringYour merchant ID
apiKey*stringYour API key intended to be used on the frontend for unsigned requests
offerElementIdstringThe element ID (defaults to #stylux-offer-container) to render the offer within
modalElementIdstringThe element ID (defaults to #stylux-modal-container) to render the modal within
getButtonOfferText(config: { ctaText: string; price: string }) => string;A function that can be used to dynamically render different CTA button text; defaults to Offer CTA text $price
modalIModalConfigThe modal configuration.
pluginsIPluginConfigThe plugin configuration. For the Shopify specific plugin configuration, see its config here.

*: required

Modal Configuration

The Stylux modal is rendered in a separate frame/document so that styles are consistent on any integrated page. In having said this, it does accept configuration to make the modal button styles more consistent with your brand's theme/colors/styles. For example:

(async function () {
  if (!self.Stylux) {

  await Stylux.setup({
    apiKey: 'STLX_key-for-unsigned-requests',
    merchantId: 'merchant-id',

    modal: {
      buttonStyles: {
        background: '#0000FF',
        color: '#FFF',
        'border-radius': '2px',

Modal Redesign (Modal V2):

Stylux has rolled out a new Modal V2 for our merchants. To configure the modal version explicitly:

(async function () {
  if (!self.Stylux) {

  await Stylux.setup({
    apiKey: 'STLX_key-for-unsigned-requests',
    merchantId: 'merchant-id',

    modal: {
      version: 'V2',